Pizza Pasta Put It In A Box Lyrics | Meat Man (Official Lyrics)


Pizza Pasta Put It In A Box Lyrics

Lyrics Overview - you bake it in an oven at 400f for 30 minutes then flip it in a pan like  you're watching gordan ramsay's masterclass what were we talking about again oh yeah absolute zero like it's pretty complex man  you can just go wikipedia  it if you don't understand i do blame you.

Pizza Pasta Put It In A Box Lyrics

[Chorus: Meat Man, TheJoceBr]

hey did you know that 

if you put 1 and 1 together you get 2? 

that's pretty crazy shit man 

if you do that again but with "2" 

you get 2 + 2 = 4


we're getting pretty complex here so 

if you aren't following along 

I don't blame you 

but theres also this thing called multiplication 

where you take the first number then add it to itself 

as many times as the 2nd number says to do but then you have division 

where you do the opposite 

so it's like take the first number 

into as many groups as the 2nd number says 

but then you get stuff like improper fractions 

then what do you do? 

you bake it in an oven at 400f for 30 minutes 

then flip it in a pan like 

you're watching gordan ramsay's masterclass


what were we talking about again 

oh yeah absolute zero like 

it's pretty complex man 

you can just go wikipedia 

it if you don't understand i do blame you 

though because this is preschool stuff 

probably idk i didnt go to preschool anyway 

take all that and 3=mc2 

then you get the escape velocity for my meme page 

but then you didn't think about reddit 

you gotta add reddit to the math or else 

you're fucked you're not getting into escape velocity 

range so you divide reddit by memes 

and you get 2 to the power of 47 then 

you just strap a bunch of rockets on and stuff

and boom you got colonization on the sun, 

ez pz shit man

YouTube Video Embeded Below

[Spanish Version]

[Estribillo: Meat Man, TheJoceBr]

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Pizza Pasta Ponlo en una caja ahora

Pizza Pasta Ponlo en una caja ahora

Pizza Pasta Ponlo en una caja AHORA


Pizza Pasta Ponlo en una caja ahora

Pizza Pasta Ponlo en una caja ahora

Pizza Pasta Ponlo en una caja ahora

Pizza Pasta Ponlo en una caja AHORA

Writers: Meat Man
Artists: Meat Man
Producers: Meat Man
Released: December 20, 2020

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